Archives // Art

Galactus and Silver Surfer by Agnes Garbowska

October 26, 2012 // No Comments

Check out this great piece by Agnes Garbowska…

I Devour Worlds by Jimmy McWicked

October 20, 2012 // No Comments

I love this picture of Galactus by Jimmy McWicked. Especially the boots. Check out more of his stuff HERE.

Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2

October 13, 2012 // No Comments

This video is made from scenes from the video game Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2.

This definitely makes up my mind – I do think they can show a humanoid Galactus in a live action movie (rather than just as a cloud). He looks absolutely amazing here.

Galactus Munny by Adam Metcalf

October 13, 2012 // No Comments

Check out this customized Munny toy by artist Adam Metcalf. I would love to have this in my collection. Very cool.

Galactus Commission by Jeff Lemire

October 11, 2012 // 2 Comments

I got this commission from Jeff Lemire (one of my favorite comic creators) at the Emerald City Comic Convention in 2010…

Baby Galactus by Skottie Young

October 9, 2012 // No Comments

Skottie Young is doing a bunch of really great baby variant covers for the upcoming Marvel Now books. Including this one of the Fantastic Four and Galactus…

Galactus Chimp by Ryan Ottley

July 23, 2012 // No Comments

Ryan Ottley is awesome. I saw the original of this in his portfolio a couple months ago at a signing. But it was either not for sale or too expensive for me. But it was beautiful.

Galactic Diner by Corrose

July 12, 2012 // No Comments
Check out this great t-shirt design by Corrose.


Galactus Commission By John Byrne

July 7, 2012 // No Comments
Wow. Just wow. This commission is from John Bryne’s website, where you can go to check out a giant-sized version of it. It’s got everything: The Watcher, Punisher, the surfer… that must have cost a fortune. And it’s worth it.


Galactus And The Silver Surfer By Alex Maleev

July 7, 2012 // No Comments
Check out this commission by the amazing Alex Maleev. I found it posted at Anthony’s Comic Book Art.


Black Tie Only by Dan Hipp

April 7, 2012 // No Comments

Check out this awesome piece by Dan Hipp!

And take some time to go through his site. I pretty much love it all.

Galactus and Silver Surfer by Edward Pun

April 1, 2012 // One Comment

I absolutely LOVE this illustration by Edward Pun.

Galactus And Batman

March 14, 2012 // No Comments

Check out this great commision done by artist JK Woodward…

As cool as Batman may be, he is way out of his league!

Heralds Of Galactus by Espen Grundetjern

February 7, 2012 // No Comments

I love this piece by Norwegian artist Espen…

“Left to Right: The Fallen One, Terrax The Tamer, Red Shift, Firelord, Morg, Airwalker, Nova, Silver Surfer, Stardust, The Destroyer. Tiny Johnny Storm added in for good measure in the bottom right corner.”

Galactus By ME!

February 1, 2012 // No Comments

Another Galactus By James Stokoe

January 31, 2012 // No Comments

In case the first James Stokoe picture of Galactus I posted from Strange Tales II wasn’t enough for you, here is another amazing picture of the planet eater…


Galactus And Silver Surfer By Giorgio Comolo

January 8, 2012 // One Comment

Gorgeous art from an amazing artist.

Minimalist Galactus By Marko Manev

December 14, 2011 // No Comments

Buy a print of it HERE. Rad.

Galactus Commission By Dustin Weaver

November 21, 2011 // No Comments

I met Dustin Weaver (the amazing artist behind SHIELD) at Emerald City Comic Convention earlier this year and he was a really nice, really cool guy. Apparently someone at the con commissioned this picture. I wish it had been me.

Lego Galactus

November 3, 2011 // No Comments

This doesn’t really exist, but I wish it did…

This awesome picture was created by artist, Mike Napolitan.

Happy Halloween

October 31, 2011 // No Comments

By artist, Adam Koford.

When my two year old saw this, she said “He’s not big??”

Galactus vs. Justice League

October 28, 2011 // No Comments

It may not be an official Marvel / DC publication, but artist Marco Rudy is making it for himself and it looks amazing.
More pictures, including a water color painting of Galactus and Batman facing off can be found at Robot 6.

Galactus Commission By Ron Lim

October 26, 2011 // No Comments

My friend Sean got this awesome commission of Galactus from Ron Lim at the 2010 San Diego Comic Con.

Galactus By Matt Rhodes

October 12, 2011 // No Comments

How awesome is this interpretation of Galactus by Matt Rhodes on DeviantArt? Answer: 100%

Galactus By James Stokoe

October 12, 2011 // No Comments

This awesome illustration is from Strange Tales II #3

It’s a fun short story about Skrulls who stay behind playing cards on their planet as Galactus is destroying it.